Research has shown that support groups help reduce the three most significant stressors associated with cancer such as fear, loss of control and loss of hope.
Timely and appropriate supportive care is an essential requirement for all women receiving breast cancer treatment. Good supportive and psychosocial care leads to improved psychological wellbeing and recovery for women with breast cancer. Hakuna Matata is our theme focussing on restoring body and mind by learning about food and fasting, mindful living, yoga, pranayama, lifestyle integration, EFT, reflexology and other therapeutic techniques that are all shared in 6 hours over 2 days.
Chennai Breast Centre hosts large group meetings every month. These meetings can be called a lifeline to information, support and encouragement through good times and bad. Every month Dr. Selvi Radhakrishna with other team doctors at the centre and other external resource person provide educational presentations through their talks and healthy dialogues with the group. People who participate in these support group meetings report significant decrease in depression, increased zest for life, and a new attitude toward their illness.
Engal Utsav is an annual event which adds new insights and perspectives to all the participants be it first timers or regulars.What makes it very special is the positive impact it has on everyone attending by encouraging them to shed their inhibitions, anxiety and resume a normal active life. Last but not least is that listening to the experts speak on various topics related to breast cancer answers the unasked questions of many clearing the doubt and fears that haunt them.
We also have a group of volunteers who knit prosthesis for patients who have had their mastectomy. These are cotton external prosthesis that can be inserted into bra pockets and help to mask the physical deformity caused by a lack of a breast. This makes a psychological impact and helps patients bounce back into their social activities with lesser hesitancy and worry of stigma. We also provide them with Chemo caps and advise regarding wigs for hair loss during chemotherapy.